1:5. Поздравляю себя и всех попанчиков с поражением.
P.S. Долбодятел Руни превратился в йобаного клоуна. За весь матч один удар в сторону ворот (и тот со штрафного)
Записки неизлечимо азартного человека
It is with regret that we inform you that, due to regulatory changes, we will no longer be able to accept players from Slovenia.
As of today, Friday 3rd March 2017, new customers will be unable to register with Pinnacle from this territory.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards, Pinnacle Affiliates
It is with regret that we inform you that, due to regulatory changes, we will no longer be able to accept new customers from the Czech Republic.
As of today, Monday 23rd January 2017, new customers will be unable to register with Pinnacle from this territory.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact your Affiliate Manager.
Kind regards,